Walking: To get started, walking is the best primary exercise that senior citizens should opt for. Walking on a regular basis in the morning and evening can keep one fit and healthy. A senior citizen should walk according to his/her capability. This can reduce the extra fats of the body, make the body flexible and can uplift one’s spirit.
Yoga: Yoga is a form of traditional Indian exercise, introduced to America by Swami Vivekananda. It has a healing effect on one’s soul. It includes breathing exercises and meditations that have been practiced since ancient days. Yoga plays a vital role in keeping a balance between body, mind and spirit. This can help senior citizens in reducing stress, high blood pressure, blood glucose level and blood sugar level. It promotes elasticity of body and provides relaxation.
Swimming: Swimming is another form of exercise that cures many health related diseases in senior citizens. It has some benefits such as reducing stress, muscle pain and helps keep one fit.
Lightweight exercises or training: Senior citizens may also practice light weight lifting with the help of light weight dumbbells. This will help enhance liveliness and improve metabolism.
Besides, senior citizens can do various other physical exercises, which include aerobics, muscle flexibility and endurance exercises. Here I strongly suggest a kind of exercise chair for you: http://www.ecvv.com/product/1965640.html
Aerobic exercises: Aerobic exercises are rhythmic by nature and warm up the body. While doing these exercises, a senior citizen involves in physical activities like jumping, dancing according to steps to tone up the body muscles. These strengthen the respiration process, provide sufficient oxygen, improve blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, reduce rapid palpitation and help improve mental health.
Muscle flexibility exercises: As senior citizens grow old, their muscles tighten and their range of motion decreases. Therefore, to preserve their range of motion, maintain youthful flexibility and relax their mind, muscle flexibility exercises are very effective. Muscle flexibility exercises involve stretching slowly without bouncing. While maintaining normal breathing during each movement, attention should be paid to the muscles that are stretched. This will help the senior citizens to relax their body as well as mind.
Endurance exercises: Some endurance exercises like riding, stair stepping, walking and swimming can improve the endurance level of senior citizens. They can gradually increase the duration of these exercises according to their level of tolerance. While doing these exercises, one should start slowly but plan to work a little faster as time passes by. They can also try some easy sports equipment. China sports manufacturers ,china sports producers,china sports products.
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<a href="http://www.ecvv.com">www.ecvv.com</a> is an innovative and comprehensive business portal in China, dedicated to saving costs for Chinese SMEs to find buyers and export to overseas markets.